In 2013, the normally active, happy and smiling Carl D. became tired. All the time.
Diagnosed with diabetes, Carl took steps to manage the chronic disease. But a year later, something was still wrong. Blood tests confirmed it. Carl had Stage 4 chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer.
Carl was hospitalized right away, where he stayed for six months. After getting an infection, he spent four and a half months at Loma Linda Medical University Center (LLUMC).
“I was terrified,” said Carl, who owns and operates his own marketing business in San Bernardino. “So, I prayed. God told me I was going to be alright.”
Carl experienced many ups and downs during his intense treatment, including a medically induced coma. With his immune system so weak, visitors were required to “gown up” with personal protective equipment (PPE) so Carl wouldn’t get any sicker.
Carl’s children rarely left their dad’s side. His daughters, Shiane and Shalia even did their homework while sitting on his hospital bed. At just 20 and 13 during that time, neither young woman was ready for marriage. But their father still worried about the future and thought, “I want to live so I can be in my kids’ lives. Who’s going to walk my daughters down the aisle?”
And that became a huge goal for Carl’s recovery: To be there for his children’s futures.
Sadly, while still in the hospital, Carl’s adult son, Allen was killed.
“I never felt so much pain in my life,” said Carl, who left the hospital for one day to attend the funeral; then back to his treatment.
With a team of providers from LLUMC, Albert Arteaga, MD, at La Salle Medical Associates, and support from IHEP, Carl eventually recovered. During his doctors’ visits, he would ask for one focus: “Keep Carl Alive.”
Carl – who turned 65 in July 2024 and happily chose IEHP DualChoice as his health insurance plan – says he feels IEHP truly cares about him. “Whenever I call, they always take care of me.”
Things came full circle in November 2023, when Carl’s hospital wish came true.
“I got to walk my younger daughter down the aisle and give her away,” Carl said. “Because my doctors and IEHP took care of everything I needed to get well. Everything.”