This month, an overlooked piece of mail could have disastrous consequences for hundreds of thousands of Riverside and San Bernardino families that rely on Medi-Cal benefits.
To avoid a public health crisis after the annual redetermination process of Medi-Cal resumed this week, Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) and Riverside County’s Department of Public Social Services and San Bernardino County’s Transitional Assistance Department are coordinating a first-of-its-kind partnership. California warns that approximately 2-3 million Medi-Cal enrollees statewide could lose or see interruptions in their health care coverage during the process.
“The annual redetermination process is one of the biggest efforts taking place in the history of the Medi-Cal program,” said IEHP Chief Executive Officer Jarrod McNaughton. “The partnership with the two counties demonstrates our commitment to making sure Inland Empire residents have continued coverage.”
All three entities are working in tandem to share data and coordinate strategic outreach efforts to ensure residents undergoing the Medi-Cal renewal process complete and submit requested information.
“The county and partner agencies are ready to help residents impacted through the redetermination process to keep these essential benefits,” said Riverside County Executive Officer Jeff Van Wagenen. “We are reaching out to the 37,000 residents by mail and phone whose redeterminations are due in June. We’ve also alerted local hospitals, clinics, and health care providers. We will be reaching out to our impacted residents directly each month as their redeterminations come due.”
Beginning this month, residents who receive Medi-Cal renewal packets in the mail must complete and send back the requested information included in the yellow renewal packets within 60 days or lose their Medi-Cal benefits. Members could start losing coverage as early as July 1, impacting current treatment of severe illnesses or chronic conditions and increasing out-of-pocket medical costs.
“The County is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of those who depend on Medi-Cal benefits,” said San Bernardino County’s Transitional Assistance Department Director Gilbert Ramos. “With the end of the federal Public Health Emergency, collaborating with IEHP and Riverside County will help raise awareness of the actions beneficiaries must take to maintain their health care coverage and in many cases their quality of life.”
In December 2022, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 (CAA) – which stipulated the continuous coverage provision that prohibited states from disenrolling members from Medicaid since 2020, due to the COVID-19 public health emergency would expire at the end of March 2023.
To prepare, IEHP has hired an eligibility team fully dedicated to helping IEHP members complete the Medi-Cal redetermination process. Each month after receiving lists of members coming up for renewal and updated and verified contact information from both counties, the IEHP team will reach out to members via text and/or phone to alert them this important packet is coming in the mail.
“The County’s partnership will help beneficiaries stay informed of these next crucial steps to complete the requested information within the 60 days and ensure continuity of health care coverage,” said San Bernardino County’s Chief Executive Officer Leonard X. Hernandez.
Once the packet is received, IEHP will assist the member in completing and submitting the required information, whether by phone or with one-on-one assistance at a community resource center. The IEHP team will continue checking in until the member has submitted the information by mail, phone, online, or at a local county Medi-Cal office.
Medi-Cal members may also receive assistance through the county Medi-Cal office.
The good news is Medi-Cal members whose household income now exceeds eligibility requirements won’t fall through the system. These members will be automatically enrolled into Covered California, the state health insurance marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act. There, they may be eligible for a federally subsidized health plan.
For more information or assistance, IEHP members may call the IEHP eligibility team at 1-888-860-1296. Non-IEHP members should visit
300,000 Inland Empire residents at risk of losing Medi-Cal benefits
Health Care and Community News
For Immediate Release
Source: IEHP
Contact: Inland Empire Health Plan
Kristina Hernandez, Media & Public Relations Strategist

Rancho Cucamonga, CA