Advance care planning is not just about old age. At any age, a medical crisis could leave you too ill to make your own health care decisions. Even if you are not sick now, planning for health care in the future is an important step toward making sure you get the medical care you would want, if you are unable to speak for yourself and doctors and family members are making the decisions for you.
MY LIFE. MY CHOICE. is IEHP’s Advance Care Planning program for IEHP DualChoice Members. The online program helps you fill out Advance Care Directive forms and gives you a place to keep them safe to share with your Doctor. IEHP can also store related documents like Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment, Living Wills, Health Care Power of Attorney and Do Not Resuscitate forms. MY LIFE. MY CHOICE. is accessible through the IEHP Member Portal. You can easily upload your Advance Care Directives and access them at any time from your home computer or smartphone. You can also share your forms with your family, friends and caregivers by email, SMS and fax. If you get sick and cannot make medical decisions, having these documents lets others know your wishes about medical care. This ensures you get the treatment and medical care you want.
You can learn more about Advance Care Planning by accessing MY LIFE. MY CHOICE. through the IEHP Member Portal OR attending an in-person workshop.
Register online:
- Log in to the Member portal.
- Log in to MY LIFE. MY CHOICE.
- Follow the steps to begin your Advance Care Planning.
Register for an in-person workshop:
- Log in to the Member portal at
- Click the Health & Wellness tab.
- Choose “Senior Health” for a list of workshops with dates and times.
- Choose the workshop you want to attend.
For assistance with MY LIFE. MY CHOICE. please call IEHP Member Services at 1-800-440-IEHP (4347). TTY users should call 1-800-718-IEHP (4347).