
IEHP Guide

Making the most of IEHP's services

Inland Empire Family cooks together


About this guide

This guide is based on the questions that we get asked most often by our members. We put it together just for you. At IEHP, we believe every person deserves holistic and compassionate care. This guide, we hope, reflects that commitment.


In this guide, you will find

  • An overview of IEHP plan options
  • How to manage and change your plan
  • What care is covered and how to get it
  • Resources for staying healthy
  • Customer forms for filing claims

Need to speak to IEHP Member Services?

Our IEHP Member Services team is available to answer your questions.

Phone 1-800-440-IEHP (4347)

TTY     1-800-718- IEHP (4347)

Email  MemberServices@iehp.org

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After enrollment

After you submit your materials, Medi-Cal will contact you within two business days. In the meantime, you’ll be sent paperwork to indicate that you’re already covered.


Understand my plan

IEHP plans

Every option is low or no-cost. And every option includes holistic and preventive care. Browse through and choose the one that's right for you. If you still have questions, we're here to help. Get in touch.

IEHP Guide Medi-Cal

IEHP Medi-Cal

IEHP Medi-Cal is a no-cost health coverage program for qualified low-income adults, families with children, seniors and people with disabilities residing in California.


Who's eligible?

  • Adults, children, seniors and persons with disabilities
  • People who meet the income guidelines and other program requirements
  • Undocumented adults ages 50+



Plan benefits

  • Network of 8,000+ doctors, specialists and health care providers
  • Care coordination
  • 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line
  • Vision services
  • Urgent care centers
  • Health and wellness programs
  • Transportation services
Young Inland Empire relax at home with their dog

IEHP DualChoice

IEHP DualChoice, enables you to get your Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits through IEHP's team of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, providers of long-term services and supports, behavioral health providers and other providers. It also has care coordinators and care teams to help you manage all your providers and services. They all work together to provide the care you need.

Senior woman  after getting low-cost health insurance in the Inland Empire.

IEHP Covered California

IEHP Covered California supports whole-body health, including exercise, community, learning jobs, housing, food, and much more.


Who's Eligible?

  • Adults over 21
  • People who live in Riverside or San Bernardino counties
  • Individual's whose income is under $20,121
  • United States Citizens


Plan benefits

  • Lowest cost Covered California Plan with some of the best providers in the state of California
  • Excellent hospital network throughout the covered area
  • Coordinators and care teams to help manage all your providers and services. 
  • Health and wellness programs
  • Plans for all budgets and/or needs

Benefits and services

As part of the IEHP family, you can bet that we'll do everything we can to get you the best care possible.


Continuity of care

We're committed to doing whatever we can to ensure continuity of care (or care with the same doctor). So, if your doctor is not-in-network, we may be able to cover them.


You are eligible for continuity of care for up to 12 months, if all of the following are true:


You have an ongoing relationship with the non-plan provider, prior to enrollment in IEHP


The non-plan provider is willing to work with IEHP and agrees to IEHP’s requirements


You were seen by the non-plan provider at least once during the twelve (12) months prior to your enrollment for a non-emergency visit


IEHP does not have a documented quality of care concern with the non-plan provider

Check your eligibility for continuity of care.

Contact IEHP and ask us about your out-of-network provider.

Phone 1-800-440-IEHP (4347)

TTY     1-800-718-IEHP (4347)

Email  MemberServices@iehp.org

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Manage my plan

Create online account

Your online account is a one-stop shop.
It's a place where you can keep track all things health-related (including doctors, medications and appointments). 

Get ID number

Your IEHP member ID card will arrive in the mail. You can also get it through your member portal. Remember, you'll need to show that card to receive health services or order prescriptions.

Change plans

You may leave IEHP and join another health plan in your county of residence at any time.

Lost or forgot your member ID number?

Our IEHP Member Services team is here to help. 

Phone 1-800-440-IEHP (4347)

TTY     1-800-718-IEHP (4347)

Email  MemberServices@iehp.org

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It takes up to 30 days to process your request to leave IEHP. You can always check the status of your request by calling our IEHP Health Care Options team. If you want to leave IEHP sooner, you may ask Health Care Options for an expedited cancellation of your IEHP plan. 

Members who can request expedited IEHP plan cancellation include, but are not limited to:

  • Children receiving services under the Foster Care or Adoption Assistance programs
  • Members with special health care needs, including but not limited to, major organ transplants
  • Members already enrolled in Medicare or another Medi-Cal or commercial managed care plan

Get Care

Health services

You can activate health care services on your date of enrollment. To ensure care, please carry your IEHP ID card, Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card (BIC) and any other health insurance cards you have. 

Coverage for IEHP Medi-Cal

What’s Covered:

  • Outpatient (ambulatory) services*
  • Emergency services
  • Transgender services*
  • Hospice and palliative care*
  • Hospitalization*
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health services
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices*
  • Laboratory and radiology services, such as X-rays*
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Sensitive services
  • Substance use disorder treatment services
  • Pediatric services
  • Vision services*
  • Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT)
  • Non-medical transportation (NMT)
  • Long-term services and supports (LTSS)
  • Telehealth services

Coverage for IEHP DualChoice

Who's Eligible?

  • Outpatient (ambulatory) services*
  • Emergency services
  • Transgender services*
  • Hospice and palliative care*
  • Hospitalization*
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health services
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices*
  • Laboratory and radiology services, such as X-rays*

Plan benefits

  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Sensitive services
  • Substance use disorder treatment services
  • Pediatric services
  • Vision services*
  • Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT)
  • Non-medical transportation (NMT)
  • Long-term services and supports (LTSS)
  • Telehealth services

*Services listed that are covered only if IEHP or your IPA (Independent Physician Association) approves first.


Coverage for IEHP Covered California

What's Covered:

  • Annual Wellness exams
  • Primary care visits
  • Urgent care
  • Specialist visits
  • Emergency room
  • X-rays and diagnostics
  • Prescriptions

Primary Care Providers

After enrolling, you can (within 30 days) choose your primary care provider (PCP).


Your PCP will see you for routine health care needs. They'll also help coordinate the rest of your covered services, including x-rays, laboratory tests, specialists referrals, follow-up care and medication needs.

Tips for choosing a primary care provider (PCP)

Choose a doctor within 10 miles or 30 minutes of you

Care is easier to access when it's closer.

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Use the Find a Doctor tool to find in-network providers

Search doctors who are in the IEHP network with the Find a Doctor tool.

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Select a provider who can admit you to a hospital nearby

Providers can only admit patients to hospitals they are a part of so select one near you.

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Your primary care provider (PCP) can refer you to a specialist--a doctor who has extra education in one area of medicine. 


Your doctor will work with IEHP and/or their medical group (IPA) to get a referral approved. 


Your doctor can schedule the appointment for you.

Nurse advice line

IEHP Nurse advice line gives you free medical information and advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a the year.


Nurse Advice Line can...

  • Answer medical questions, and help you decide if you should see a provider right away
  • Provide advice about medical conditions such as diabetes or asthma, including what kind of provider may be right for your condition
  • Advise on whether you should seek medical care, and how and where to get care
  • Advise on what to do if you need care and your health care provider’s office is closed

Nurse Advice Line cannot...

  • Make clinic appointments
  • Fulfill medication refills

Call our 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line


Did you know? You can call our free 24-hour Nurse Advice Line for any and all medical advice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They can advise on which facility is right for you to go to.


Transportation services

If you don’t have a way to get to and from your health care services and appointments, we can help arrange transportation for you. 


Transportation help is available for services and appointments that are not related to emergency services, such as as medical, dental, mental health, substance use, and pharmacy appointments.


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial 911. 

Need to request transportation?

Our IEHP Member Services team is available to coordinate transportation.

Phone 1-800-440-IEHP (4347)

TTY     1-800-718-IEHP (4347)

Email  MemberServices@iehp.org

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Contact us

For IEHP Medi-Cal Members

Questions about your IEHP Medi-Cal plan? Speak to our Medi-Cal team today.


7 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Friday
8 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday

For IEHP DualChoice Members

Questions about your IEHP DualChoice plan? Give our DualChoice team a call today.


8 a.m.-8 p.m., 7 days a week, including holidays

For IEHP Covered Members


Questions about your IEHP Covered plan? We're here to help!


8 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Friday

Phone  1-855-433-IEHP (4347)

TTY      711

Email    MemberServices@iehp.org

For Enrollment Help

Need help getting coverage? Speak to our friendly, bilingual IEHP Enrollment Advisors.


IEHP Medi-Cal

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Phone1-866-294-IEHP (4347)

IEHP DualChoice

8 a.m.-8 p.m., 7 days a week, including holidays

Phone1-800-741-IEHP (4347)
TTY1-800-718-IEHP (4347)

IEHP Covered

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Phone1-855-538-IEHP (4347)

More Resources